Making things out of wood and other materials
Locally Sourced Materials
Zero Waste Products
Unqiue Designs
Made in the USA
St. Mahin Designs
This company first became a thought as I was working through a backlog of home renovations on a nearly 100 year old house. Throughout the learning experience, the projects I enjoyed most were the ones that required designing a solution from scratch - and usually required the table saw. Like most woodworkers, the garage quickly became a workshop, and the projects quickly outgrew the workshop. Despite moving to a larger space, I frequently find myself reminiscing on the simple beginning and early projects of St. Mahin Designs.

Recent Photos

He made us cutting boards for Christmas and they are really nice, but I hope he keeps his day job (for his wife's sake).
My Family
That guy makes so much noise, I cant even hear myself think.
The Neighbors
He was a quiet guy who generally kept to himself. I can't believe that he turned out to be a woodworker!